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From lack of structure to fivefold turnover | Wedoio Case Study

From lack of structure to fivefold turnover | Wedoio Case Study

RC Kongen - A small webshop that became an investment-worthy concept

RC Kongen is a company that already has a relatively large and well-functioning physical store located in the idyllic South Funen, Denmark. Here, RC Kongen sells everything within remote-controlled cars, model trains, and racetracks and offers repairs thereof. With the ambitions of also having a well-functioning webshop, RC Kongens CEO, Kim Nannestad, chose to embark on the journey towards online shopping and established RC Kongens webshop.

 rc kongen butik kim nannestad


Lack of structure, too many chefs, and expensive lessons

Before RC Kongen cooperated with Wedoio, they encountered several challenges in the growth of their well-functioning webshop. RC Kongen's CEO Kim Nannestad says:

What we found difficult in this industry was to find someone that was actually capable of doing, what they said they could

Here, RC Kongen as a company experienced that when they purchased a website, there were many different parties involved in the process, which made the managing process more difficult. Then, a shift of responsibility arose which made the system ineffective in solving the challenges that came along. 

There was always another company working with the website. Someone was responsible for the design of the website, others for the underlying, and then an extra company which would then be responsible for the payment solution, etc... It does not always work well when there are many parts involved in the same project, because each time a problem came up they could just push the problem on to the others. ”- CEO at RC Kongen, Kim Nannested

Kim says that they do not have much knowledge of what lies behind a webshop and that they previously paid a company to run the website, trusting them overtaking the task of establishing a well-functioning webshop. However, there were several challenges and feedback from customers, which made them question the situation at the time.

We tried to get the webshop to work: we had someone managing the webshop, another supplier managing the integration between the webshop and the old accounting program. And yes, a third company managing the old accounting program. There was no such consensual structure in it as it is now. ”- Finance manager at RC Kongen, Flemming Holm

Thus, RC Kongen had a hard time getting help to solve the challenges that came up when embarking on the journey towards eCommerce, and they lacked a coherent structure, which made them explore the market for other options.


Wedoio - One complete and efficient solution

Wedoio Integrations offers a comprehensive and efficient solution for webshop owners. It connects webshops with the Uniconta integration and automatically synchronizes products, inventory, customers, and sales orders. This means that RC Kongen could instead get a single solution, where bookkeeping, inventory, order handling, and logistics are handled directly in the Uniconta integration, and they would have only one contact person instead of several parties.

Then we started probing the terrain, and Wedoio came in. Already at the first meeting, they said: "Well, you have to redo this, you have to redo that, you have to clean up that, etc.". And it gives something completely different! ”- CEO at RC Kongen, Kim Nannested

rc kongen butik direktor kim nannestadCEO at RC Kongen, Kim Nannestad

In the beginning, Wedoio was primarily responsible for the integration between Uniconta and their WooCommerce shop, but quickly became a part of their webshop development as well, in order to correct the unfinished businesses there.

We fixed the shop that, to put it mildly, was running really badly. We actually thought that it ran very well, but there you can be convinced of something else once you find out how it was. And now it's actually running really well - it's a huge difference that you experience! ”- Finance manager at RC Kongen, Flemming Holm


Greater professionalism and a fun process

RC Kongen is now experiencing an easier process, where it is much faster to have customers dispatched, invoiced and products sent out. Higher professionalism, which means that they have a greater opportunity to focus on growth rather than having to solve various problems and challenges.

All these things give this effect that it seems more and more professional. It all works better - it's a positive story, and things grow. It's been a great journey, and it's fun to be a part of it! ”- Finance manager at RC Kongen, Flemming Holm

finance manager at rc kongen flemming holm danmark

Finance manager at RC Kongen, Flemming Holm

For Wedoio, it is not just a collaboration. Here, collaboration is largely about dialogue and service, so that each individual customer gets a customized solution and the necessary help. The collaboration is also a large part of the development process, which for RC Kongen has been worth more than money. The employees at RC Kongen have noticed this service, where, in addition to the fact that they now only have just one contact person, they also say:

We have been insanely happy with the service that was given. It does not matter when you call or write them - it does not take many minutes before you get an answer. They are lightning-fast to take care of things, which has really been amazingly cool! We like that. ”- Finance manager at RC Kongen, Flemming Holm


Results seen on the bottom line and a growing rate

As the CEO of RC Kongen expresses it, things started happening when Wedoio came along. The turnover for RC Kongens online trade is now, with the new, overall structure and optimizations of the webshop, four to fivefold - a result that can be noticed on the bottom line!

Now it does not matter much if we have e.g. 150 orders in one day, as it all plays together, and invoicing and order handling run quickly and easily. If you ask the general manager of RC Kongen, Kim Bendiksen, regarding their growth, he says:

We used to have 300 orders a month, and today we have 1000+. Back then, we received the orders in one system and had to invoice in another one and withdraw the money in a third system. And make shipping in a fourth system. - General manager at RC Kongen, Kim Bendiksen

Getting the processes in Uniconta assembled and automated has thus helped tremendously on the webshop's growth, where RC Kongen has managed to go from a small webshop to a larger webshop in the continued growth and heading towards something bigger.

It has made us go from level 1 to level 4-5, where we are happy to say that we can hardly get higher up in that respect. There, together with a lot of help from Wedoio, we have been able to raise our level tremendously. ”- CEO at RC Kongen, Kim Nannested

RC Kongen's webshop experienced massive growth with Wedoio's help during the first Covid-19 lock-down, after which the growth continued steadily as the country reopened. Despite the closure of their physical store, RC Kongen has managed to have the largest turnover ever in December. The finance manager, Flemming Holm, says that the turnover was even surpassed by January 2021 and continues growing:

"It is simply the entire base that has been made, which makes the shop more visible, the shop works when people visit and buy something, etc .. " - Finance manager at RC Kongen, Flemming Holm

RC Kongen has thus managed to quadruple their turnover on the webshop and now saves a lot of time and hassle by instead having a complete and smooth process. In addition, it was now possible with Wedoio's help to implement some of the functions that they had previously wanted, but which they had been told could not be done:

Then all of a sudden it is possible, and then we can make some of the things we want. All of a sudden, the webshop grows, and we can afford to invest more money in the webshop and grow it even more. ”- Finance manager at RC Kongen, Flemming Holm

rc kongen ecommerce b2b online shop experienced growth in sales


A bright future

RC Kongen now has a well-functioning and growing webshop, and a sharply increased turnover. With extra time and profits, they say they can now focus on more interesting things, such as expanding and optimizing rather than having to solve a lot of issues:

So today we can continue building on, instead of constantly having to worry about some problems and their solutions. And then we can start doing some of the fun things to get even more sales. - General manager at RC Kongen, Kim Bendiksen

Over the last two years, their webshop has been growing. With the help of Wedoio's solutions and integrations covering the entire palette, they have optimized both the webshop and workflow. This ensures that the RC Kongen webshop will be even stronger in the future.

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More about:
uniconta blok

Uniconta is a modern cloud-based ERP system that keeps track of finances, inventory, projects, production, and logistics, which helps your business become more digital. It provides time savings on your daily routines, searches, document retrieval, and business management. All of your data and documents are safely stored and always accessible in the Uniconta cloud. 

Although it is a standard ERP system, it is structured flexibly so that you can customize the solution with your own fields, tables, and screens. This means that you do not have to depend on your desire for change to fit in with other companies.


More about:

Wedoio gives any business an opportunity for easy and simple Uniconta integration and automation solution. This includes integration of all data from WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento 2, and other webshops directly to Uniconta, without losing any information during the process

By subscribing to this easy and simple integration process, you save a lot of time managing your webshop. The most important thing here is that you focus on your business and not jumping between different systems. Save time - save money, it’s a sure thing.

You get stuff done automatically. 

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